Our user report on the production deployment plans in HOB magazine!
On 9 November 2024, the wood trade magazine HOB published a user report about our production deployment plans in its special on digitalised production!

Vanillaplan in the Holz-Zentralblatt - with a user report on our production schedules!
On 4 October 2024, the weekly Holz-Zentralblatt, the leading trade journal for the forestry and timber industry in Germany, published a user report about Vanillaplan! The article provides exciting insights into the use of our production schedules at Renggli AG and their positive effects on resource planning in production. We are delighted to be mentioned in this renowned trade journal!
The Allgemeine Bauzeitung reports on Vanillaplan and its production deployment plans!
On 7 September 2024, the weekly Allgemeine Bauzeitung published an article about Vanillaplan in its start-up special. In addition to the presentation of our software, there was a special focus on the scheduling plans specifically for production.

An interview with Vanillaplan in the international wood trade magazine HOB!
On 14 May 2024, the monthly wood trade magazine HOB published an in-depth interview with Vanillaplan! In the special on digitalisation and automation in this year's fourth issue, it reported on our software on three pages under the title ‘Efficient resource planning - cloud-based software for resource and capacity planning’. Click here for the full article in HOB.
The most widely read construction magazine in Germany reports on Vanillaplan!
On 24 November, an article about us appeared in the weekly Allgemeine Bauzeitung under the title ‘Controlling and monitoring planning with new cloud-based software via mobile phone’! It is all about our deployment and capacity planning.

This founder makes the work of construction companies more efficient
In summer 2020, Ingrid Stalder was invited to Zurich by the Handelszeitung newspaper for an interview for the upbeat series. Click here for the video, podcast and story.

SwissPropTech - Remi Stalder - CEO & Founder at Vanillaplan
In spring 2020, Swiss PropTech invited Remigius Stalder for an interview on YouTube.
Schreinerzeitung - In the focus of the industry
Vanillaplan was featured in the ‘In the focus of the industry’ section of the carpentry magazine on 6 December 2018.