Bauarbeiter steht vor einem Kran

In the best place
at the best time

Intuitive construction software for resource and capacity planning

In the best place
at the best time

Intuitive construction software for resource and capacity planning

Vanillaplan auf Laptop und Mobile

Your advantages at a glance

  • Zauberstab Icon

    Intuitive and visual handling: through colours, icons, images and drag & drop

  • Bars Icon

    Resource consumption: automatic control over your deficits and gains in each project

  • Teleskop Icon

    End-to-end solution: from planning to production, execution, installation and service

  • Schnittstelle Icon

    Intelligent connection: more effective scheduling through coordination with your operational workload

  • Datentransfer Icon

    No isolated solution: data transfer to any IT system with our interface platform Vanillaplan Fair

The right subscription for your business

  • 14 days trial

  • Onboarding and personal support

  • Webinars and explanatory videos

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